
Daniel Batarseh
Daniel Batarseh is the pastor-teacher at Maranatha Bible Church. While living in Canada and pursuing a degree in Creative Advertising (2012), Daniel sensed the call to ministry shortly after being born again. Through God's providence, he was led to Chicago, Illinois in Jan. 2015 to serve as a young adults pastor, teaching the Bible twice a week, while studying at Moody Bible Institute for his Masters in Biblical Studies. It was through a series of events and God's clear timing that led Daniel and others with him to begin Maranatha Bible Church in Nov. 2021. Daniel is married to his wife Joelle.

Daniel Banna
Daniel Banna was born in Israel as the youngest of 10 children and accepted Christ in his mid-teens. In 1990, he moved to the United States and began to preach and teach the Word in local churches shortly after. Daniel was ordained into the ministry in 2021 and helped start Maranatha Bible Church. Daniel and his wife Ania have two adult children, Abby and Tim.

Mark Griffin
Mark Griffin was ordained into the ministry at Maranatha Bible Church in August 2023 and helped launch the ministry when it first began. Before joining MBC, he served as worship leader and music director in previous churches. A licensed attorney, Mark also serves on the senior educational leadership at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Prior to that, he worked in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office and the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General. Mark is married to Grace, and they have three daughters.
Wadie Hajj
Christian Swanson
Liviu Deac

Phoebe Rihani
Church Secretary