Our Meetings
"As for the saints of the land, they are the excellent ones,

Prayer Meeting
Our corporate prayer meeting is held every Wednesday at 7pm. On this night, we have brief worship with few shorts words of exhortation from the Scriptures. But most of this night is spent interceding and calling out to God for His wisdom, power, and provision.

Lord's Day Worship
Our gathering on the Lord's Day is every Sunday at 1pm. This day is spent worshipping Christ in song, as well as hearing from the Lord through the preaching of His word. What makes the culture at MBC special is our time of fellowship. Once the service is done, many people will stay in the building to eat, talk, pray, sing, and fellowship for hours. We would love to see you stay with us after the service!

Bible Study
Our Bible Study is every Friday at 7pm. This interactive time is a journey through the Old Testament. Many have expressed how this meeting inspired a passion for books in the Bible that are often ignored. Join us as we behold the harmony of God's word, chapter by chapter, verse by verse.